Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Why should employer go through agency to get maids?

Trusted maid agency such as us provides employers professional and fulfilling service in regards to maid recruitment as well as employment. It will save employers a lot of effort and energy because we will provide services such as maid training, insurance, Immigration clearance, work permit application, and etc. on behalf of them.

How to apply for a new maid through our Agency?

Thank you for being interested in our agency! You can click here to see if you meet the requirements needed by government offices. Download and fill in the forms on the page and then click here to see the biodatas.

If you want more choices of biodatas or that you have enquiries, not to worry! Kindly give us a call or an email (more info) and we will have further discussion there; including fees, your requirements for your maids,  as well as any other questions that you may have. We will be pleased to service you step by step of the way.

Are employers allowed to make requests on the type of maids they want?

Yes, employers are welcomed to make requests as agency will try our best to meet the requirements.  However, keep in mind that the more specific the requirements, the harder it is for agency to search for suitable maids. We do believe that if employers are more flexible, it will be easier for us to search for maids that is suitable and thus making the application run more smoothly.

How long will it take to apply foreign domestic helper to come to Malaysia?

It takes about 2~3 months for a domestic helper to come to Malaysia; however it is subject to adequate documents from the maid and employer; and also subject to government rules and regulations of both countries from time to time. Please kindly click here for process flow.

How many years can a maid works in Malaysia?

Maids are allowed to work in Malaysia as long as she wishes, however, is subject to mutual agreement between employer and the maid, following both governments’ latest rules and regulations.

How long is the employment contract?

The employment contract between employer and domestic helper is 2 years.

What are the responsibilities of an employer?

Essential requirements such as enough food, enough rest, basic toiletries items, and proper place to sleep falls into employers’ main responsibilities. In addition, if the maid needs medical attention, it is required for employers to take necessary actions. Employers must also know that they are tied to the employment contract signed with Immigration Department of Malaysia, and thus need to follow through. Other aspects such as treating and respecting the maid well, being patient by having realistic expectations, and being strict but fair are also important.


Employers must not: Abuse or mistreat the maid, or withhold/deduct maid’s salary.

What if the maid has problems?

To help employer overcome problems faced by maids, our agency is pleased to inform that we do have free counselling for our maids.

What if the maid runs away?

In the case of runaway maid, employers need to inform the agency as soon as possible and we will provide advices on how to make a police report as well as the steps that comes after that.